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Workplace Warrior®

Jun 19, 2020

About Greg Voisen: Greg is a thought leader in the personal growth and human potential movement. He founded a podcast called Inside Personal Growth. Over the last ten years he has interviewed over 800 authors. Through his company Eluminate Inc., he and his team of six associates advise small to medium sized business...

Jun 19, 2020

About CB Bowman: Founder and CEO of the Association of Corporate Executive Coaches (ACEC) and the non-profit, MEECO Leadership Institute. ACEC supports master level corporate executive coaches who coach the top tier of Fortune 1000 companies. CB was one of the first black female executives to work for a Fortune 500...

Jun 19, 2020

About Joe Musselman: Joe is in love with best friend and wife Hannah. Joe is a proud father to his first son Jack Jack. He’s a U.S. Navy veteran, an entrepreneur, a recovering CEO, and most recently launched Fathom Ventures, an early-stage venture capital fund that invests in excellent teams, leadership, and culture....

Jun 9, 2020

Workplace Warrior®: where you hear unique perspectives on leaders with an uncommon desire for results, who take charge, lead their teams and accomplish the mission. They are critical for success in our volatile, complex, and uncertain times. Sometimes, they are perceived as abrasive and occasionally called names...